About Us & Forms - Appointments - Appointment Policies
Appointment Policies
We respect your time and make every effort to remain on schedule. However, some visits are more complicated than anticipated and emergencies and deliveries may arise that could delay us. If we are significantly delayed, every effort will be made to notify you beforehand so that you may choose to wait or reschedule.
If you are going to be late, we ask that you notify us. If you will be significantly delayed (i.e. greater than fifteen minutes), then you may be asked to reschedule so that we remain on schedule to serve our other patients.
We strive to create a schedule that most efficiently tends to the needs of all of our patients. Our practice utilizes the “Reminder Pro” automated appointment reminder system. You will receive a computer generated call to remind you of your appointment, two days prior to your scheduled time. If you find that you cannot keep your scheduled appointment, please notify us 24 hours in advance so that we can use your reserved time more efficiently. The Reminder Pro allows you to leave a message for our receptionist, or you can call the office at 812-945-5233 between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday to cancel and/or reschedule your appointment.
We understand that there are unforeseen circumstances that cause reserved appointments to be missed without a 24-hour notice. However, these broken appointments cause scheduling delays for other patients and interfere with our efficiency in providing excellent care. In order to maintain the most efficient schedule possible, we have adopted the following policies:
- A broken appointment fee of $30 may be placed on the patient’s account.
- This broken appointment fee must be paid before an additional appointment can be reserved.
- Patients who consistently break appointments may be discharged from our practice.